Tap into your innate creative healing energy
Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts and feelings about their past and future, while building skills for emotional regulation and full-body wellness. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.
Individual Therapy 60 mins | $150
Family Therapy 60 mins | $180
Expressive Arts Workshops
Online or in-person group sessions using express arts, with an emphasis on expressive writing and performance. Group members are lead through exercises for personal and community growth through the creation of art and intentional witnessing practices.
Open groups offered seasonally. Personalized group facilitation for private groups available as well.
Contact me for openings and rates
Training & Consultation
Trainings or consultations for people in healing professions, individuals or groups. Workshops can be tailored for your particular needs and population served. Potential topics include: group facilitation, expressive arts therapy, poetry therapy, trauma and the expressive arts, domestic violence intervention and prevention, narrative therapy.
Creative Coaching
Online or in-person, this non-clinical session will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan to achieve personal and professional goals.